In August 2009, the Virtualization And Cloud Review blog somewhat explained a difference between data center virtualization and cloud computing, stating their differences to be the pool of resources used.

But hey, as long as youā€™re accessing services from a virtualized data centre, itā€™s safe to call it Cloud Computing. And with the evolution of Cloud Computing, so has the incitement shifted towards managed infrastructure and managed services.

We can now differentiate these services according to their functions, of which are IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service), SaaS (Software as a Service), and recently, FaaS (Functions as a Service).

For better understanding of a broader spectrum of these services, I personally would refer RubyGarageā€™s post on the subject, as it is very well detailed.

I love Google Cloud and the way it is designed to suit developersā€™ needs. And in this post, Iā€™ll be sharing the different services which Google Cloud Platform offers under the IaaS and PaaS categories.

Google Cloud IaaS

In Google Cloud IaaS, you are provided with raw compute, storage, and network structured in ways that are familiar from data centers. For pricing in Google Cloud IaaS, you pay for what you allocate, and more like pay-as-you-grow.

Some of Google Cloud IaaS include:

Google Cloud PaaS

In PaaS, you are offered with services that allow you to bind your application code to libraries that give access to the infrastructure your application needs. Hence, you can focus on application logic. For pricing in Google Cloud PaaS, you pay for what you use.

Some of Google Cloud PaaS include:

Among the Google Cloud PaaS, are some which also can be classified as FaaS include Dialogflow (virtual assistants and chatbots) and one of my favorites, Cloud AutoML šŸ”„