Hosting static sites on Google App Engine is a sweet thing as GAE provides a free tier of 1GB data storage and traffic for free, which is more than enough for most static sites.

Static sites are made up of HTML, CSS, and Javascript (if necessary). They require no database design or web programming.

Simply put, every visitor sees the same content when they visit a static website.

Using the Cloud Shell code editor (beta), let’s host a static website on GAE.

First, create a new project on Google Cloud

Once done, you should see this:

App Engine dashboard

Next, create your application

I have set up a simple app for this purpose. I named it hello-coffee-app. Download it here.

Take note of the appā€™s structure:

Now, let’s publish the site

You can now see your website online via your-project-id dot appspot dot com.

Hello coffee app

You may prefer to run the commands and control things on your local machine. To do this, you will have to download the Cloud SDK. See here for more.