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Personal Lessons from The Greatest Showman

Personally, the musical movie, “The Greatest Showman”, led by Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron, Zendaya, and Michelle Williams, and released in December 2017, is one of the best movies I have ever seen.

Learning and Teaching ML to The Immediate (Nigerian) Developer Community  —  The Journey So Far?

Up until this very moment, nothing in the world has sparked my interest as much as Artificial Intelligence had, and for as long as I can remember, I’ve desperately wanted to plug myself into the journey of bridging the gap between human intelligence and computer intelligence.

What Machine Learning Is — Very Simply Put

Machine learning is an interesting technology, and it is rapidly becoming an integral part of (almost) all AI systems.

Hosting Static Websites on Google App Engine

Hosting static sites on Google App Engine is a sweet thing as GAE provides a free tier of 1GB data storage and traffic for free, which is more than enough for most static sites.

Google Cloud PaaS and IaaS

In August 2009, the Virtualization And Cloud Review blog somewhat explained a difference between data center virtualization and cloud computing, stating their differences to be the pool of resources used.

Node, Okay. But, Asynchronous Javascript?

I had been asked to complete a small task using Node JS. And I don’t even know Node JS. Sure, I’d touched it before, but just ‘touched’, cause I never used it.

Halleluyah Querying — Cloud Firestore

It’s no news that Google has a thing for duplicating their products maybe for safety purposes as it looks more like a way of backing up their products just the same way people back up their data.